
 Gabriele Denaro Composer, pianist, international concertist and teacher. His music, that has been defined by critics as “Music for the soul”, sinks his roots in a solid classical formation on which appear elements derived from romanticism, contemporary classicism and post modern.

His melodies, always deeply moving, make him one of the artists more appreciated from international public and reviewer.

As a composer and pianist he performed, at the invitation of important musical institutions, in Italy, France, Spain, Russia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland and Egypt.

He was born in Catania and brilliantly took a diploma as pianist at the Conservatoire of Vibo Valentia under the guidance of  M° Eugenio Fels, with whom later he improved his abilities.

Since 1979, still very young, he composes pieces for piano and orchestra revealing an unrestrainedly, creative vein (nowadays his compositions are about 400) and, at  the end of the ’90, starts a period of sperimentation and research, during which he collaborates with theatre, cinema and dance performances, offering his music to short films presented with increasing success in international competitions.

In the year 2000, he records his first CD , music composed for piano and orchestra, entitled “Immagini sonore” suddenly provoking the interest of critics and public. Since this moment starts a series of lucky touring that bring him to the greater European capitals, where he achieves enthusiastic appreciations for his performances. He is even accompanied by great philharmonic orchestras of Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Spain, France, Poland and Ukraine. During these enthusiastic contests, from 2001 to 2004, three CD “live” will be recorded and enthusiastically approved by musical critics.

In 2003 he released a CD recorded during a live piano concert in Riposto (Catania) in 1992. In the same year he received the "Award sicilianità" because "... the original sounds of her music can convey emotion and unique suggestions. "

In 2004 he published the album “Music for images” in which “….the name of the compositions fly light like the notes, evoking images of life, tragedies like 11 september and the war of Belgrade and Kosovo or moments of intense emotions.” Always in 2004, he gets the prize “Akkuaria Web alla Cultura” and, in 2005 arrives first, finalist in the international competition “ Musica alle immagini”.

In 2009, he gets the prize “Confcommercio Riposto” with the following motivation: “Prize notes in art for musical creativity”. In the same year is recorded his fifth CD which includes a collections of pieces of refined complexity that confirm once again, the artistic value of his music and his extraordinary talent. Between 2010 and 2011 he always goes on tour in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Egypt.

IN 2011 he is interviewed by Radio Vaticana and composes the sound track for the short feature “Il mondo di tutti”. In Toscana, Lazio, Umbria e  Sicilia,  he performs piano concerts with his trio, earning everywhere a large consent by critic and public.

The exhibition for trio at the Bellini’s Theatre in Catania, provokes  particularly enthusiasm and admiration. In the same year, several towns of Sicily, confer him prestigious prizes and  admissions for his rare qualities as pianist and composer.

But it will be with the 15 compositions  in the CD  “L’attesa” that the unique style of  Gabriele Denaro will be revealed to the great public, placing him among the most interesting personality of contemporary music. In fact, every single piece denotes a very high level of artistic quality and an unusual capacity of symphonic orchestration: since first chords we immediately understand that “ the syntactical structures of his musical language, in their logical form, present a resemble with our emotive life and reflect the main dynamic models of our interior experience.

On September 2012, he is guest at the Cultura’s Palace in Catania (Sicily) at the IV Exhibition “ Corti in cortile” dedicated to short films  in which is showed the splendid video clip on the notes of “L’attesa”  directed by G. Scirè at Slaves’ Castle in Fiumefreddo (Catania- Sicily).

In 2012 he has gone on a tour to Spain, Switzerland and France, protagonist of interesting performances among music, literature and poetry. 

In 2014 he performed in Ukraine, Belgium and Luxembourg and Italy, the protagonist of interesting concerts for piano and orchestra and quartet.

In 2015 G. Denaro scored the film "Next to me," the short film "Up on the top floor" and the musical "The steps of life," earning acclaim from audiences and critics. Collaborations with singer and lyricist Roberto Cavallaro and musician Giovanni Scandurra. Radio interviews, online streaming, video clips, and musical evening "A tribute to his 25 years career."

In 2016 concerts in Italy and Spain ( in Barcelona, at the Cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, as well as the Sicilian tour of the musical "The Steps of life" original music by Gabriele Denaro. Musical finalist in the national competition in Castellana Grotte (Puglia) in May 2016. Concerts in Sicily and Campania.

In 2017 again concerts in Italy, as well as in Kiev in Ukraine, performing his compositions for piano and orchestra at the prestigious Theater of the Conservatory. He composed the music for the theater "Fiori di Zolfo". In solo quartet and piano he performed at the Mercadante Theater of Altamura (Bari), at the Mozart "Hamadeus Association" in Bari and in Cassamassima (Bari) at the "SM Delle Grazie" church and the "Meticreattive" association - Urban Laboratory Auditorium "Officine Ufo". He collaborated in quartet with the film actor Enrico Lo Verso at the Theater of  Cavallino (Lecce).

In 2018 concerts in Kiev (Ukraine) in quartet, in Giarre (Sicily) with the "Immagini Sonore Orchestra". Composes music for short films

In 2019 - Tournèe in Ukraine in Kiev, Kharkov and Bila Tserkva (with the world premiere of the "Concerto n ° 1 for piano and orchestra in the three movements") and Italy. Concerts for solo piano and quartet in Sicily (also at the prestigious Palatine Chapel in Palermo) and Puglia (also at the Petruzzelli Theater, Sala degli Specchi). Composed music for two short films.

In 2020 - Quartet concert at the Mother Church of Tremestieri Etneo (Catania). At the "Antonio Cafaro" Auditorium in Adelfia (Bari) for solo piano. Interviews in Giarre and Riposto (Catania) and video interview in New York. Composed the music L'ABBRACCIO in full pandemic emergency.

In 2021 - 2022  Publication of his autobiographical book "The Voice of Music". Concerts in Sicily

In 2023 - 2024 - Concerts also for the Lions Club, Fidapa, Kiwanis, Rotary, Unitre. Composed the soundtrack for the film "The Tulip Season". Finalist with the short film "Against the rules", music by G. Denaro



                    REGIONS – CITIES


 Sicily, Lazio, Puglia, Campania, Abruzzo, Sardegna,  Toscana, Trentino Alto Adige, Marche, Umbria


 Paris, Saint Louis










 Berna, Basilea, Zurich, Muttenz


 Pazargjidzik,  Stara Zagora,


 Kiev Kharkov and Bila Tserkva


 Volgograd (Stalingrado)


 Craiova – Satu Mare - Bacau -Ramnicu Valcea


 Alexandria – Cairo

Gabriele Denaro, pianist and composer, is already  famous in the international contemporary musical world for his very personal style, founded on an amazing union of a classical-romantic solid formation and sudden minimalist fragments which develop in various timbres and melodic solutions.

His music has been defined by musical reviewers as “Music for the soul” and also “Music for images”.

The typical aspect of his pieces  is an high level of artistic quality and a rare capacity in symphonic orchestration. Since the first chords, Gabriele Denaro’s musical language  reaches our emotions  transforming itself into an interior experience…phenomenon that Claude Levi-Strauss has defined in this way:  “Music lives itself in me and I  listen myself through it “.

But, during his concerts we are completely surprised, beyond a general consent, by the emphatic relation that is established between music and public…

Gabriele Denaro’s music goes farther… it lives alone, generating an universe of variegated and pure emotions. This music is symbolically able to express the shape of the author’s deep interior dimension.

In fact, while unaware we listen to Gabriele’s music, which arises from his ineffable states of mind, we are overwhelmed by an irresistible impetus of an expressive power that just because of  it’s abstract nature, become all one with the deepest areas of our being where appear the dynamic way of our sentiments, our unconscious, the universal harmony, the transcendental truths.

Listening to the pieces on CD but particularly “live”, we suddenly perceive this unusual and however very agreeable effect, that may be defined almost cathartic. It’s during these events, in fact,  that more evident appears the empathy between the Artist and his public … a magic and alchemic perception that makes unforgettable every musical event.

For all these reasons Gabriele Denaro’s music has the praise of international review and it is loved not only by experts but also by the great public that goes to his concerts.


Participate in the project Musico Dreamy Italian, de "LaFavolaBlu" Listen italian and international music, emotions, dreams and share. (Link will direct you on the inherent page Gabriele Denaro) 


Video presentation
  • Official Video "L'Attesa"
    Music by Gabriele Denaro - Gilgamesh Management P.
    Watch the video
  • The Music
    The art and the music of Gabriele Denaro, short melodies collected in this video presentation
    Watch the video
  • Sunrise Backstage
    Video Backstage, music by Gabriele Denaro " Music for the soul"
    Watch the video
Last photos